Intech EZ Roll Chippers

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Intech EZ Roll Chippers

Intech EZ Roll Chippers
Intech EZ Roll Chippers

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Intech EZ Roll Chippers

Model Number: SKU2565
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Your Price: $99.95
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35 Left in Stock
Manufacturer: Skilled Golf
  • Description

The Intech EZ Roll Chippers are a valuable addition to any golfer's bag, designed to make those tricky chip shots around the green easier and more reliable. These chippers are known for their simplicity, accuracy, and versatility, making them an excellent choice for golfers of all skill levels.

Intech's EZ Roll Chippers typically feature a classic design with a lofted clubhead and a putter-like grip. They are engineered with a focus on precision and ease of use, allowing golfers to confidently approach chip shots. The chippers have a moderate loft, which makes them ideal for those situations where a putter may be too low and an iron too high.

One of the key advantages of the Intech EZ Roll Chippers is their consistency and accuracy. They are designed to help golfers make clean contact with the ball and control the distance and direction of their chip shots. These chippers are particularly useful for golfers who struggle with short game shots around the green and want to improve their scoring.

Whether you're a beginner looking to simplify your short game or an experienced golfer seeking a reliable chipping option, the Intech EZ Roll Chippers can be a valuable addition to your set. They provide an easy and effective solution for those delicate chip shots, helping you save strokes and gain more confidence in your game.

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