5 Simple Steps to Fix a Slice with Your Driver: 2024 Guide

If you are a member of the slicers club I’m sure you have heard all of the one-liners to fix your golf swing.

Don’t aim left, perfect ball position, pay attention to your divots, fix your grip, elbow tucked, transfer your weight and don’t forget that release!

This information is relevant and accurate but to eliminate a slice you need to know how to implement these slice fixes.

At the end of this tutorial, you will know how to fix a slice with a golf driver.

How to fix a slice is not that difficult, it just takes some time and dedication to ensure you have all the essential elements of your swing working effectively.

Slices are just flat out annoying…

As a young golfer, I would slice the ball frequently and it used to infuriate me.

I would swing a bit harder, try harder, close the clubface, aim way left and many other things to try and fix a slice.

It took away all of my confidence off the tee and was greatly affecting my scores. The thing is, nothing I tried worked. It just made me more frustrated.

I started hitting a 3 wood off the tee and it cost me distance and strokes on my game.

When I finally committed to fixing the slice, it didn’t take long.

All I needed was the correct information, some drills and a bit of time on the range.

Fixing a slice is freeing.

You can stand on the tee box with confidence and know you have a shot at making a par.

You can do this! Welcome to the left side of the golf course!

What do you need for this Tutorial?

Step 1: Having the Proper Equipment

Sometimes a slice is not your fault! Wouldn’t that be great if that was the case for everyone?

Golf is hard enough as it is.

It would be amazing if you could just set a club to the correct launch and lie and loft and your slice is gone.

Unfortunately, it’s just not always that simple but it is certainly worth reasearching your equipment to make sure it’s going to work with your swing.

Here are a few important things to keep in mind when selecting the correct equipment.

Loft equals forgiveness
Choose at least 10.5 degrees of loft if you are struggling with a slice.
Choose the correct flex on your Driver. If you hit the ball further than 160 yards go with a Stiff Flex.
Choosing a flex that is too stiff will make it hard to release and you will slice more.
Be careful using old equipment passed down to you. Technology has come a long way in improving slices and anything ten or more years old is not going to be as helpful.
Drivers with more offset will help to fix a slice
Adjustable drivers have the ability to set the clubface slightly closed, this can help if your golf ball tends to head right constantly.
Don’t think that a more expensive club is going to fix your slice.

Check out our in depth guide on finding the best driver for a slice.

Step 2: The Grip

The grip can be a tricky thing. It’s easy to constantly fidget with the grip but you need to work on the fundamentals of your grip to give yourself a chance to square up the clubface.

The grip is not nearly as fun to practice as bombing 200+ yard drives but it’s extremely important.

Neglecting the fundamentals in this game will make it much more difficult and a lot less fun.

golf driver grip
Grip the club with the left hand first and make sure to have the club sitting primarily in the fingers of the left hand.
When holding the club in your left hand and looking down you should be able to see two knuckles.
The left-hand position on the club is the most important. If you can get your left hand in the proper spot than the right should follow suit.
Check that the V created with your right thumb and forefinger is pointed at your shoulder.
There are training grips available that can help to get your hands in the right place
golfer setup

Step 3: Stance/Setup

Ask any expert in PGA Instruction and they will tell you that pros will constantly check their setup, especially before starting their backswing.

Right-handed golfers should have the ball positioned on the inside of the left foot.
Proper ball position promotes hitting the ball on the upwing.
Hitting a driver while on the downswing leads to a slice.
Proper ball position also allows your shoulders to be at the correct tilt angle to eliminate a slice.
When your shoulders don’t have the correct tilt angle it makes it very hard for you to square the clubface up and swing on the proper path.
Always setup with the clubface square. Don’t try and manually manipulate the clubface to be closed at setup, it won’t help you straighten your slice and could cause pulling to the left.
golf swing followed though

Step 3: Swing Path

Most people slice when their path becomes more outside-in than inside out. This can be difficult to understand and explain without a great drill to help.

Not only is the ball flight of a slice difficult because it will likely leave you in the rough or worse, but it also is a very weak shot, costing lots of distance.

One of the best drills for making sure that your swing is on the correct path is the towel under the arm drill.

If you are someone that continually struggles with a slice, start your warmup with this every time you go to the range.

You will notice your backswing gets stronger, you set yourself up for a great shot regardless of the club in your hand and your body will eventually learn to repeat this.

Keep hitting this way with irons, hybrids, drivers, etc and it will teach you the proper swing path.

Place a towel under your right arm in the armpit area on your backswing (If you are a right-handed golfer)

  • As you swing back, keep the towel in place
  • If you need to take a ¾ length swing that is fine.
  • As you transition from the backswing to the downswing, keep the towel in place.
  • If the towels falls out your arms got too far removed from your body and were on an outside-in swing path.
playing golf

Step 4: Club Face

A mistake that a lot of slicers make is they slow down their golf swing to hit a proper shot.

In all the years I’ve played this game, every single time I try and slow it down I hit a terrible shot.

Now, I’ve had to work on tempo to make sure things are more steady and solid but never do I slow things down.

You need clubhead speed and momentum to properly release, it is very difficult to stop a slice by slowing everything down.

Instead, work on the release until your body becomes stronger and more efficient at releasing the club.

Some tips to make sure the club face returns to square at impact . . .

Check that grip is correct.
Make sure that setup is perfect
Ensure you are playing with the proper equipment suited to your swing.
As you complete your backswing and start to transition to your downswing some rotation of the forearms will allow the clubface to go from open to square to closed.
Practice hitting shots with an 8 iron instead of a driver and make sure your clubface is square at impact, move up through the bag eventually getting to the Driver.
People tend to swing drivers faster than other clubs, getting the correct result with this club is more difficult but it is possible.
You will feel the release, turning over of the forearms.
Don’t Slow Down! Keep that clubhead speed working for you and you will be set.

Step 5: Seeing is Believing

Seeing your own golf swing can be helpful, scary and empowering all at the same time.

Have a friend or a professional golf instructor take a video of your swing.

Make sure to get a head on and down the line view.

Watch your video on slow motion and then try and compare to some slow motion videos of professionals.

Some questions to ask (to find the cause of your slice):

  • Does my Setup look the same?
  • Does my right arm stay close to my body or move away?
  • Does the club come into impact from the inside or outside?
  • Does the clubface look open at impact?


Thanks for reading our tutorial on how to fix a slice with your Golf Drivers.

Do you think this will help your slice?

Which issue do you think causes your slice the most in your swing?

After so many years of experience teaching this game and seeing the slice I honestly believe it is something that keeps people away from the game.

That is not what golf needs, and it can be prevented. If your experience with a slice is that it’s just not worth trying to correct, you are wrong.

Taking Aim in the left woods and hoping for the best is not the way to golf for the rest of your life.

With the proper setup, the correct left-hand position, staying connected on the backswing and downswing and a square clubface anything is possible.

It may take some time, as we all know, golf is not a game that can be learned overnight but it will be worth it.

There is nothing quite like watching a right to left ball flight after years of slicing.

Trust us!

Let us know if our tutorial helped you to start to see the left side of the golf course again!

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